Vashtu Shastra

Panch Mahabhoota -- Five Elements

All objects of this universe are made of five elements basically. These five basic elements are (1) Earth or Soil (2) Water (3) Fire (4) Air (5) Space ( Aakash ). These are called 'Panch Mahabhoot'.

First Element : Prithvi - Earth

VedicEarth Earth here means composition of the surface of the earth , the soil and other minerals present in the soil. The upper part of the surface is called soil ,Stone, sand, iron, lime etc., all these are parts of soil. All these physical elements are available in limited quantity and on a particular place. This depends on the composition of surface, its form and size, trees and vegetation grown upon it etc. that whether it will be appropriate to inhabit at such a place or not . Moreover if there is a residence there , what type of construction should be there. Availability of essential building materials and their transportation also depend upon the formation of soil . Soil can be categorized on the basis of its shape , touch , taste and sound . We must take care that it suits our physique while selecting land for building and collecting building material.

Second Element : Jala - Water

Water This is represented by rain ,river ,sea and is in the form of liquid , solid(ice) and gas (steam , cloud ) . It forms part of every plant and animal. Our blood is nothing but water with haemoglobin and oxygen.

Third Element : Agni - Fire

agni Fire circulates energy in the form of light and heat . The sun is the main source of light and heat for us. The movement of the earth in relation to the sun causes day and night and change in seasons .

Fourth Element :Vayu - Air

AirAs a life supporting element, air is very powerful life source. Human physical comfort values are directly and sensitively dependent on correct humidity, air flow, temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content. Foul air should not gather in the building and fresh air should come continuously . From which direction air should enter or not is also important .

Fifth Element : Aakash - Space

AakashSpace is the most widely spread over of the five basic elements. The unending region of the universe in which all the heavenly bodies exist is called space ( Aakaash ). There is no place in the universe where this space does not exist. Gravitational pull of various heavenly bodies, magnetic power, different kinds of radiations and waves like ultra -violet rays, infra- red rays, light rays , cosmic rays, etc. are always present in space. There is an invisible and constant relation between all the five elements. Thus, the man can improve his conditions by properly designing his buildings by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces.

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